Doing the Work

Have you ever felt any of the below feelings about personal development, healing, the “work” of transforming, and remembering who you really are?

“I’m tired of doing the work.”

“Forget it, I want to take a break from doing this work…”

“I’ve been doing the work for XX years. I’m frustrated. I’m not getting anywhere…”

“It’s taking so long.”

This episode will help you tweak your program so that the “work” you’re doing in your self-development can shift and actually get you to your goals.

We explore:

  • 2 key ways to reframe your mindset about the “work” of healing/transformation

  • How there’s nothing actually wrong or broken with YOU!

  • The distinctions between who YOU are and the natural process of healing and growth

  • 3 things to look for if you’re stuck in your personal growth

  • How to see the broader picture of what’s really going on in your journey

  • Dabbling vs Doing the Work


There’s something going on if you’re not moving forward with your life.

It might be time for a deeply honest check in with yourself to see if you’re really doing the work, and how you need to tweak your approach and support structures so that you’re moving forward again.

Really doing the work means total commitment that you will heal, grow, and evolve. 

Are you experiencing 100% commitment to your vision, mission, and doing what it takes to get there?

If I can help you in any way, let me know!

Here are two events I’m leading that can certainly help – join us if you’re called to:


Life By Design

August 25-27, 2023

This is a 3-day gathering of like-minded souls willing to uplevel, upgrade limiting beliefs, and design their lives according to their true nature and desire. Bring your heart + soul and let’s get into it! You’ll walk away with actions already implemented, a game plan and the confidence to carry it through.


The Art of Living Experience

October 12-15, 2023

This is a 4-day immersion, where you experience and practice embodiment of all the realizations, knowledge, and truth that lives inside of you. Prepare to be stretched, to surrender, and to experience life-changing transformation. So much joy comes from The Art of Living Experience. It is yours to claim. 

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Abundant Blessings!